Students at Moira Secondary School are fast-tracking through class.
Actually, they designed and built a CO race track. Take a look at the pictures, below.
According to Teacher John Harpell, the school's Technology Department received a $1,000 grant through Student Success funding. The proposal was to engage students in hands-on learning in their Grade 9 Exploring Technology course and Manufacturing course.
This project allowed 17 students to brainstorm ideas on how to design and build the track. This collaborative approach motivated students. They took ownership in designing, sharing their ideas, cutting, drilling, machining and doing electrical connections. All that plus lots of learning!
Students will use the CO track for approximately 300 races this year alone. Competitions will continue with Mr. Gray's and Mr Harpell's car racing the class!
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]