December 14, 2020_This update provides a summary of the online Annual Meeting of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held December 14, 2020, livestreamed (the recorded version will be available within 24 hours). It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next meeting in January 2021.
A roll_call of trustees was conducted to open the meeting; all 10 were present.
Mike Brant, Trustee, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, recited the land acknowledgement: Let us bring our minds and hearts together as one to honour and celebrate these traditional lands as a gathering place of the Huron_Wendat, Anishinabek and Haudenosaunee people. It is with deep humility, that we acknowledge and offer our gratitude for their contributions to our community, having respect for all as we come together and walk side by side into the future to support our student of today.
This Annual Meeting was chaired by Sean Monteith until the chair of the Board was elected.
Appointment of scrutineers
Superintendents Ken Dostaler and Tina Elliott were appointed as scrutineers for the elections.
Review of the election process and Board committees
Sean Monteith, Director of Education reviewed the process for elections as described in Policy 2: Governance By_laws and Standing Rules, and also reviewed the committees as described in Policy 11: Committees of the Board.
Chair and Vice_chair
Lucille Kyle, Trustee for North Hastings, was re_elected as Chair of the Board. Jennifer Cobb, Trustee for North Prince Edward, was elected as Vice_chair of the Board.
Congratulations to Lucille Kyle (left), elected as Chair of the Board and Jennifer Cobb, elected as Vice_chair of the Board effective December 14, 2020 to November 30, 2021. |
Statutory committees
Trustees selected membership on statutory committees. For 2021, statutory committees will consist of the following members:
- Executive Committee: Lucille Kyle, Jennifer Cobb and Mike Brant.
- Indigenous Trustee Representative: Mike Brant.
- Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) (in place until November 2022): Lisa Anne Chatten, Kristen Parks will be the active member. Mike Brant and Lucille Kyle will be the alternates.
- Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) Committee: Mike Brant, Krista McConnell will be the active members. Kristen Parks will be the alternate.
- Audit/Finance Committee: Shannon Binder, Jennifer Cobb and Bonnie Danes will be the active members.
- Accessibility Advisory Committee: Lisa Anne Chatten will be the active member. Bonnie Danes will be will be the alternate.
- Parent Involvement Committee: Krista McConnell will be the active member. Alison Kelly will be the alternate.
- Student Discipline Committee: All trustees; will serve on a rotating basis with a minimum of three required to conduct a suspension appeal or expulsion hearing.
Administrative committees
Trustees selected membership on administrative committees. For 2021, administrative committees will consist of the following members:
- Indigenous Education Advisory Committee: Mike Brant and Kristen Parks.
- Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee: Mike Brant and Kristen Parks.
- Instructional Technology Advisory Committee: Krista McConnell.
- Leadership Development Steering Committee: Shannon Binder.
- Safe Schools Advisory Committee: Bonnie Danes.
- Specialist High Skills Majors Advisory Committee: Spencer Hutchison.
- Mental Health Leadership Team: Kristen Parks will be the active member. Shannon Binder will be the alternate.
External committees
- Food for Learning Partnership: Spencer Hutchison.
- Ontario Public School Boards'Association (OPSBA) (in place now through to May 2021): Lisa Anne Chatten is the active member. Alison Kelly is the alternate.
2020_2021 Revised estimates
Board members approved the revised estimates for the 2020_2021 school year.
School board budgets, referred to as estimates, are required to be submitted to the Ministry of Education by June 30 of each year. In late fall, school boards are required to update key data included in the estimates and submit the revised information to the Ministry of Education. Revised estimates must be submitted on December 15 and incorporate updated information regarding enrolment changes, funding changes, expense/program changes, prior year actual results, and other known changes since the budget was developed.
This is not a normal school year. The COVID_19 pandemic has caused school boards to change their practices to include remote learning, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for students and staff, use of cohorting and a new octomester system, increased cleaning, and restrictions on school access and extra_curricular activities.
Find out more starting on page 9 of the December 14, 2020 agenda (Pdf).
- A trustee shared correspondence from Trenton High School recognizing the support received from COVID_19 Lead, the Communications Team and Hastings Prince Edward Public Health for school_home communications and actions related to COVID_19 cases.
- Requested a condolence letter be sent to to Crime Stoppers in recognition of board member who passed away,
For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Manager, extension 62354, [email protected]