Boundary reviews for two school group areas (Bayside-Trenton and Harmony-Foxboro) are taking place in fall 2023. The purpose of the reviews is to determine how the boundaries might be adjusted in order to balance enrolment and alleviate enrolment pressures at Harmony Public School, Bayside Public School and Bayside Secondary School, specifically.
Keep up-to-date with the boundary reviews on the Long-term Capital and Accommodation Plan web page.
It is important that school boards try to balance and equalize enrolments between schools, especially if there are some schools that have too many students relative to the size of the school building, while other schools have excess space. In both boundary review areas, the current elementary accommodation plan is not sustainable and boundary reviews may help alleviate some of the current challenges.
As a result, the Board of Trustees has given approval to conduct boundary reviews.
Policy 15: Student Enrolment/School Capacity, Pupil Accommodation Review, and the Long Term Capital and Accommodation Plan help guide and direct this review.
The reviews will begin in November 2023 and wrap up by late winter 2024.
Part of this process includes informing and seeking school community input. To do this, two Boundary Review Ad Hoc Committees (BRACs) will be formed, with representation from all school communities involved in the review.
An independent consulting firm has been retained to examine various options and scenarios, as well as how any proposed changes to the boundaries would impact things like enrolment and utilization, student distance from schools, busing and/or grade structures. Once scenarios are developed, they will be reviewed and discussed through the BRACs.
In the end, the school board trustees will consider a report with options, recommendations and BRAC feedback to decide what is best for the school board, while understanding the needs and opinions of the school communities.
Relevant documents and reports
Bayside-Trenton Boundary Review Committee
The Bayside-Trenton Boundary Review will look at the current elementary and secondary school boundaries for nine schools:
- Bayside Public School
- Bayside Secondary School
- Frankford Public School
- North Trenton Public School
- Prince Charles Public School (Trenton)
- Stirling Public School
- Trent River Public School
- Trenton High School
- V.P. Carswell Elementary School
Harmony-Foxboro Boundary Review Committee
The Harmony-Foxboro Boundary Review will look at the current elementary school boundaries for eight schools:
- Foxboro Public School
- Harmony Public School
- Harry J. Clarke Public School
- Park Dale School
- Prince Charles School (Belleville)
- Sir John A. Macdonald Public School
- Susanna Moodie Elementary School
- Tyendinaga Public School
Commitment of BRAC members
Terms of Reference*
- The BRACs will meet during three evening meetings from 6:00 to 7:30 PM, with the possibility of 1-2 additional meetings
- BRACs will examine concerns
and discuss the various options available
- BRACs will receive possible
solutions and provide feedback on those solutions
- BRACs will receive feedback
from the broader community on the possible solution
- BRACs will make recommendation(s)
regarding the final option(s) and public input will be sought
*As outlined in the Terms of Reference, each of the two BRACs will consist of the following individuals:
- School group superintendent as the committee Chair
- Superintendent of Business Services
- One principal from the schools included in the boundary review
- One school council representative from each school involved
- Community representatives, as deemed appropriate
- One Board member as an ad hoc committee member
How to get in touch
If you have questions please send an email to [email protected]