Hermon Scientists in School

"Hooo's in the Owl Pellet?": Scientists in School presentation at Hermon Public School
Posted on 01/10/2025
owl pellet dissectionStudents at Hermon Public School had a real “hoot” while doing a special science lab on January 9, 2025. Guest scientist Theresa Wereley from Scientists in School joined Katherine Kuczera’s Grade 4/5/6 class virtually for a hands-on science presentation “Hooo’s in the Owl Pellet?”

Each student had their own owl pellet to dissect. Owl pellets are the parts of their prey that they cannot digest and therefore regurgitate. They picked through the bits of hair and fur to find bones in order to identify the number and species of prey the owl had eaten. The students were fascinated with their discoveries. Scientist Theresa Wereley also helped students to identify bones through the use of the webcam.

The Scientists in School partnership with HPEDSB allows for rural schools to participate in experiences with guest presenters that may otherwise not be possible. This program received a grant to develop scientific inquiry in schools. The workshop is chosen by the teacher and materials are sent to the school. The hands-on experiments are then led virtually by a scientist in the program. Sixteen presentations are scheduled from December 2024 through January 2025 with topics such as electricity, light and wetlands.