Hastings and Prince Edward counties are experiencing air quality concerns due to forest fires occurring to the north and east. To address these conditions, schools are taking the following precautions:
Monitoring students and using professional judgement when considering sending students outside.
- Providing accommodations for any students who wish to remain indoors, particularly for students who have asthma or difficulties breathing.
- Continuing to operate the HEPA units located in learning spaces, as they have been identified as helpful for reducing air pollutants by Environment Canada in their Special Air Quality Statement.
All schools with mechanical ventilation have filtered outdoor air (filters upgraded to MERV13, where possible) and the ventilation continues to run on the extended schedule used for COVID-19 precautions.
Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health has issued a special air quality statement for Hastings and Prince Edward counties containing recommendations for reducing exposure to wildfire smoke.
Student and staff safety is always our top priority. HPEDSB will continue to monitor the situation, consult with HPE Public Health and will share additional advice or recommendations as they are identified.