School boards use multiple strategies to support healthy and safe learning environments for students and staff. Supported by Ministry of Education investments in ventilation system improvements during the 2023-2024 school year, HPEDSB has undertaken extensive work to optimize and improve ventilation and air filtration in schools.
What is HPEDSB doing to improve air flow?
Air quality is optimized at schools through improved ventilation and filtration, depending on the type of ventilation.
Ventilation: Increasing the flow of outdoor/fresh air for diluting the concentration of any infectious particles.
Filtration: Involves the use of different types of fibrous media designed to remove particles from the airstream.
The Ventilation Strategy includes the following best practices:
Continued commitment to preventive maintenance inspection/service program on all mechanical units to ensure continued effective operation of ventilation equipment (including operating windows).
Increased filter ratings to catch smaller particles, as appropriate for each type of equipment, and more frequent filter changes.
Continued investment to update/add ventilation equipment at schools to provide long-term solutions to optimize air quality.
Adjust equipment controls schedules to run ventilation equipment 2 hours before and after the school day.
Placed standalone HEPA units in all occupied learning spaces, as per Ministry of Education guidelines.
How is HPEDSB investing in our school buildings?
The Ministry of Education provides annual funding to support the revitalization and renewal of aged building components that have exceeded or will exceed their useful life cycle, as outlined in Ministry of Education Memorandum 2024:B08. The School Renewal Investment Report 2023-2025 provides a list of school renewal and improvement projects completed or beginning between the period of September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2025.
HPEDSB manages a Building Renewal Multi-Year Project Plan that highlights the proposed and ongoing renewal projects under the following critical areas consistent with the direction from the Ministry related to funding allocations:
Air Conditioning
Exterior Shell - Doors/Windows/Roofing
Electrical - Lighting/Energy/Controls Systems
HVAC - Heating & Ventilation
Interior Renovations
IT Systems
Life Safety Systems
Site Improvements
Why is this important?
Investments into new, expanded, and renewed facilities create great places to learn and teach that are healthy and safe for students and staff.
The average age of the board’s elementary schools is 57 years and 68 years for secondary schools. This results in a 5-year board-wide renewal need of approximately $203 million to address end of life or near end of life infrastructure and systems.
How is the Building Renewal Multi-Year Project Plan informed and developed?
Reviewing information from Ministry of Education Building Condition Assessment Reports
Assessing needs/requests with school staff and central staff, such as addressing needs for transitioning students or program changes
Assessing work orders, information received from annual inspections
Gathering information and knowledge from maintenance staff and trades
Gathering expertise from engineers and other consultants
Assessing Ministry or other legislative requirements (i.e. ventilation, electrical, structural roofing)