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Dear Students, Parents and Guardians:
As we embark on a new school year, I am filled with optimism and excitement for what lies ahead. Whether your child is entering Kindergarten or high school, starting a new school, or returning to familiar faces and places, the beginning of a school year is always a time of new beginnings and opportunities for growth.
We are excited to open a brand new school in Belleville, Easthill Elementary School at 135 MacDonald Avenue. This school is a bright, modern and welcoming space for students to learn, grow and thrive. Stay tuned for information about an official opening.
Also new this year, is the work to create a new HPEDSB multi-year Strategic Plan. The Board of Trustees and the senior team are looking forward to engaging parents and stakeholders in this process throughout the 2024-2025 school year. It is exciting to think about the opportunities that lie ahead for HPEDSB and its students!
The beginning of the school year is an opportunity to build positive habits and routines. Getting enough sleep, reducing screen time, getting outside, eating healthy and getting up on time in the morning makes for a great start to the school year for your child. Daily attendance is extremely important for a successful school year and good attendance habits start on day one. If your child does need to be away from school, a reminder that we introduced a new tool to report student absences. Please take the time to download the SafeArrival app. More information is available at our website or from your school. Working together, we can ensure that students are at school and learning.
This September, we are introducing several significant changes to the school and board's Code of Conduct. Students will not be allowed to use mobile devices, including cell phones, tablets, smart watches, etc., in the classroom. Grade 7-12 will only use devices in the classroom if directly approved by an educator for instructional purposes. In addition, all access to social media sites through the HPEDSB network will be blocked for student accounts. Also, a reminder that tobacco, nicotine and electronic cigarettes are not allowed at school, and that these items will be confiscated and disposed of if found with a student on school grounds. These changes are rooted in our commitment to ensure each student has a positive and uninterrupted learning experience that is free from distraction.
We know that strong partnerships between schools and families are essential to student success. You can support your child by reviewing the Code of Conduct information with them and by reminding them to leave the devices at home and not use tobacco/vaping items. Together, we will keep the focus on learning at school. Together we will ensure that every student in HPEDSB has success that opens doors to their future.
I encourage you to stay engaged, ask questions and share your feedback as we continue to build on HPEDSB’s success. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. Here’s to a successful and rewarding school year!
Katherine MacIver
Director of Education