Commemorative Dates

2024-2025 Commemorative Dates

Students and staff have diverse backgrounds and beliefs. HPEDSB Commemorative Dates include 13 priority days that may be observed by students and staff based on their individual beliefs. These priority days are acknowledged to try to ensure students and staff are not excluded from school and system events because of their belief.

Commemorative dates legend (pdf)
B - Bahá’í    BD - Buddhism 
CAN - Canada    C - Christianity 
FC - Fasli calendar   H - Hinduism
I - Islam    IW - Indigenous Worldview 
J - Jainism    JC - Julian calendar
JD - Judaism    N - Nanak Shahi calendar
QC - Qadimi calendar    S - Sikhism 
SC - Shenshahi calendar   W - Wicca 

The 13 HPEDSB priority days are shown below in red. The expectation is that HPEDSB schools and worksites not schedule unrelated events on significant priority days that would exclude observing staff and students from participating.


2 Labour Day (CAN)
30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (IW)
30 Orange Shirt Day (IW)


2 National Custodial and Maintenance Workers Recognition Day
2-4 Rosh Hashanah (JD)
5 World Teacher's Day
11-12 Yom Kippur (JD)
14 Thanksgiving (CAN)
31 Halloween (CAN)


Hindu Heritage Month

1 Diwali (H)
1 All Saints Day (C)
11 Remembrance Day (CAN)
18-22 Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week


6 National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (CAN)
21 Yule/Winter Solstice (W)
25 Christmas (C)


1 New Year’s Day (C)
29 Lunar New Year (BD)


Black History Month
Psychology Month

15 National Flag Day of Canada
17 Family Day (ON)


Greek Heritage Month
Irish Heritage Month
Bangladeshi Heritage Month
National Social Worker Month

Ramadan begins (I) 
17 St. Patrick’s Day
30-31 Eid ul-Fitr (Ramadan Ends) (I) (depending on moon sighting)


Sikh Heritage Month
Month of the Military Child

2 World Autism Day
12-20 Pesach/Passover (JD)
14 Vaisakhi (H) (S)
18 Good Friday (C)
20 First Day of Ridvan (B)
20 Palm Sunday (C) (JC)
21 Easter Monday (C)
22 Earth Day


Speech and Hearing Month
Sexual Violence Prevention Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
Asian Heritage Month
South Asian Heritage Month
Jewish Heritage Month
Dutch Heritage Month
Polish Heritage Month

1 School Principal’s Day
5-9 Education Week


National Indigenous History Month
Pride Month
Deaf Blind Awareness Month
Italian Heritage Month
Filipino Heritage Month
Portuguese Heritage Month

5-6 Eid ul-Adha (I)
21 National Indigenous Peoples Day (IW)


1 Canada Day