This is a summary of the January 23, 2023 public meeting of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board. It was livestreamed (the recorded version will be available within 24 hours) and is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting.
Acknowledgement of Traditional Lands
Recited by Kari Kramp, Trustee, Central Hastings: As Trustees for Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board and as settlers to this land, we acknowledge and honour the land on which we reside, occupy and meet as part of the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat and Anishinabek people. These Indigenous Nations agreed to mutual sharing obligations and responsibilities as stewards of the land and water. Today these responsibilities and obligations extend to all Peoples. These lands are steeped in rich Indigenous history, traditions and modern cultures that are proud and vibrant. The Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board supports and is committed to the stewardship of the land, and the responsibilities that we hold to ensure learning, education programs and services support all staff and students.
Presentation: School-based Math Programming at Tweed Elementary School
This engaging presentation shone a spotlight on school and teacher perspectives for teaching Math. At Tweed Elementary, educators continue to learn from each other, trying and adopting new instructional practices. A culture of collaboration and openness to share each other's experiences are evident in all classrooms K-8. Educators look for opportunities to change students' mindset about developing math skills. For example, numeracy blocks of learning start with games which help build student confidence. Through that consistent start each day, students are eager to learn.
Thank you to presenters Katelyn Hyatt, Teacher; Lindsay Chisholm, Vice-principal; and Derek Potts, Principal.

Thank you to presenters from Tweed Elementary School. Pictured L to R: Katherine MacIver, Director of Education; Katelyn Hyatt, Teacher; Lindsay Chisholm, Vice-principal; Derek Potts, Principal; Shannon Binder, Chair of the Board.
Recommendation to approve the appointment of a new trustee
Board members approved the appointment of Ernie Parsons as trustee to fill the vacancy for the electoral district of Sidney and Frankford, effective immediately through to 2026. At the November 21, 2022, Organizational Meeting of the Board, the Board members approved an appointment process to fill a trustee vacancy as per Policy 3-H: Filling Vacancies on the Board. Advertising for the vacancy occurred from November 24 to December 21, 2022. Applications were shared with the Ad Hoc Committee members to review throughout a two-week period. A meeting occurred on January 3, 2023 for the committee members to shortlist the number of candidates to interview. Six candidates were interviewed on January 19, 2023.
Swearing in of Ernie Parsons
Ernie Parsons was sworn in as trustee for the electoral district of Sidney and Frankford.
Report from Trustees Appointed to External Organizations
Ontario Public School Board Association (OPSBA)
Highlights from this report included the following:
- participating in the Public Education Symposium later this week;
- Eastern Region meeting this weekend.
Standing Committee Reports
Governance and Policy Committee: Recommendation to revoke Policy 3A and 3B
Board members approved a motion to revoke Policy 3A and 3B. Find out more starting on page 10 of the January 23, 2023 agenda.
Physical Planning, Finance and Building Committee, January 9, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- overview of budget processes, timelines, projections and trustee honoraria.
Student Learning, Well-Being and Equity Committee, January 11, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- reviewing the governance directive for this committee;
- presentation about the school-college work initiative and dual credit models;
- QEval Program Design to review K-12 programs at HPEDSB; and
- department connections to the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.
Statutory Committee reports
Special Education Advisory Committee, December 15, 2022
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Special Education Plan review process and SEAC feedback;
- Student Services update;
- presentation by Jolie Brant, Mental Health Lead on the topic of "Kids Have Stress Too" which is being used in K-6 classrooms; and
- sub-committees to review the Special Education Plan, Special Education Amounts.
Advisory Committee Reports
Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee, December 14, 2022
Highlights from this report included the following:
- discussed the governance directive for this committee;
- discussed the Equity Action Plan and actions underway to implement it; and
- presentation about Ukranian newscomers in the Quinte region.
Indigenous Education Advisory Committee, December 7, 2022
Highlights from this report included the following:
- recognition of former trustee Mike Brant for his +50 years of supporting Indigenous students as a teacher then as a trustee;
- participation in the Indigenous Leads Gathering in Toronto, hosted by HPEDSB for 70 Ontario school boards; and
- an activity to seek input from the committee about where resources should be focused: resounding support for supporting Indigenous students.
Student Voice
Highlights from this report included the following:
- input from students about actions for students to take to support engagement and learning.
Director’s Report
Highlights from this report included the following:
- MPP visits: Met with MPP Ric Breese, Hastings-Lennox and Addington on December 9, 2023 and extended the invitation for him to visit our schools and spoke about some of the upcoming considerations of the board including growing enrolment and capacity.
- Welcomed Minister Todd Smith to Bayside Secondary School for a tech tour on January 11, 2023 as an example of the many programs and opportunities we have in HPEDSB to develop skilled trades. HPEDSB currently has 16 Specialist High Skills Major programs across 7 sites. Many of these programs are supported by 191 skilled trades courses.
- A future meeting will be set up between the two area MPPs and the Chair and Vice-chair of the board as motioned in the June 2022 meeting of the Board.
- Launched our GoTo project which will give us one clear set of communication tools system wide and one email address. More updates to come on this project in the future. This is a 16-month project which will have a great deal of support and training.
- I had reported earlier on a partnership and funding for Eastside Secondary School from the Canadian Tooling and Machining Association (CTMA) grant. A further grant of $163,000 (total $238,000) was received for Bayside and PECI which will purchase two CNC mills, one CNC lathe, one CNC plasma cutter and two CNC routers.
- Upcoming mid-year transition: moving into final and culminating assignments at high schools. Great work of our schools to ensure student mental health and well-being are supported during this time. We’re also close to the first report cards in elementary schools. These will be issued prior to our next Board meeting in February.
- Ray of Sunshine award winners: we are at the mid-year point. Staff have recognized 117 outstanding staff members for this award. A full list can be found on the website and stay tuned to our socials for highlighted staff each month.
Staff Reports
Special Education update
HPEDSB believes that all students have the ability to learn and the right to the best possible education to meet their learning abilities and styles. Every student can benefit from and contribute to the school community. Students should be educated in the most enabling and least restrictive setting that best meets their needs.
To address the broad range of educational needs within the student population, HPEDSB uses differentiated programming approaches, placements, and supports. The special needs of exceptional learners are met through differentiation of programming in a regular classroom. It is believed that instructional strategies implemented are good for all but necessary for some. Continuous assessment, early intervention, proactive program planning, and ongoing support are essential to maximize student achievement. A wide variety of interventions must be put in place prior to seeking placements outside the regular classroom. Find our more starting on page 11 of the January 23, 2023 agenda.
Kindergarten promotion
HPEDSB promotes Kindergarten registration annually in February which involves radio and online
advertisements encouraging families to register their Kindergarten students. The Kindergarten registration page on the website includes general information resources about Kindergarten, a
central promotional video, links to individual HPEDSB school websites and easy navigation to
online registration.
Welcoming Kindergarten students and families into HPEDSB schools is one of the first steps in developing long term partnership with parents, guardians and students while fostering a sense of belonging. Our goals for the promotion plan include providing:
- the details families need to understand how they register their child for school and what school and learning looks like in kindergarten; and;
- reassurance that we are also prepared to meet the needs of all families and children joining HPEDSB so that their transition to school is smooth and seamless.
Find out more starting on page 16 of the January 23, 2023 agenda.
Mathematics update
A significant percentage of students have not been achieving provincial standard in mathematics, as
illustrated in achievement data and EQAO reports over time. Understanding how numbers work is
foundational to all aspects of mathematics to prepare students for success. Key concepts include
addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, which will help to set the stage for more advanced
skills (e.g., algebra, working with integers and decimals). Find out more starting on page 18 of the January 23, 2023 agenda.
School College Work Initiative (SCWI) update
Dual credit programs are programs approved by the Ministry of Education that allow students
enrolled in secondary school to take college courses, or apprenticeship courses delivered by a
college, and to have those courses count towards both their Ontario Secondary School Diploma
(OSSD) and a postsecondary certificate, diploma, degree, or Certificate of Apprenticeship.
The Primary Target Group includes the following:
- students who are facing challenges completing secondary school but who have the
potential to succeed in college or an apprenticeship;
- students enrolled in Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) programs, or the Ontario Youth
Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) within the skilled trades.
Find out more starting on page 22 of the January 23, 2023 agenda.
Calendar of Events
- Student Learning, Well-Being and Equity Committee, February 6, 2023
- Physical Planning, Finance and Building Committee, February 13, 2023
- Governance and Policy Committee, February 21, 2023
- Parent Involvement Committee, February 22, 2023
- Special Education Advisory Committee, February 23, 2023
- Public Board Meeting, February 27, 2023
- Central Hastings School: February 1, 2023, French Immersion Parent Information Night
- Prince Edward Collegiate Institute: February 7, 2023, French Immersion Parent Information Night
- Harry J. Clarke Public School: February 8, 2023, French Immersion Information Night
- Bayside Secondary School: February 17, 2023, Grade 9-12 Winterlude/Senators Hockey Game, Ottawa
- Bayside Secondary School: February 23, 2023, Elementary Parent/Teacher Night
- Frankford Public School: February 28, 2023, Monthly Falcon Awards
- Queen Elizabeth School (Belleville): February 28, 2023, Community Assembly
- Central Hastings School: February 22, 2023, Waterloo Math Contest Grades 9-11
A full list of committee and meetings dates/times is online.
For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications and Privacy Manager, 613-966-1170, extension 62354, or 613-847-0696, or [email protected]